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Magic Sponge Rabbits
This beautifully crafted fine leather wallet will help mystify your audience as you predict your spectator’s ra…
Five different painted brass rods are shown. The magician turns his back while a spectator takes one, places it into …
VIEW DEMO VIDEO! "This is the most organic and most believable Mystery Box version I have ever seen...…
Removed from a black box is a brilliantly polished brass "Telepathic Tube" and cap with a red, a white, and…
VEIW DEMO VIDEO! Everyone knows that solving a Rubik's Cube can be a long, frustrating, hair-pulling fe…
Paul Harris Presents Mark Allen's FREEDOM WRITER The Evolution of a Classic Mindreading Device. …
VIEW DEMO VIDEO! Can we or can we not influence things, events, or decisions? After participating in this …
Someone secretly writes a 3-digit number on the back of their business card. Open the wallet and ask the person to pl…
A secret thought of object is written on the back of a business card. The card is placed into the wallet and closed. …
A spectator writes a thought on the back of a business card and places it face down in the wallet. The wallet is clos…
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